The common name "surgeonfish" is derived from a characteristic that clearly distinguishes Acanthuridae from other fish families: the spines or "scalpels" on the caudal peduncle, one or more on each side. Based primarily on differences in this characteristic, the family can be divided into three subfamilies: The Acanthurinae, in which the peduncular spine rests in a groove and can be erected in defence during the fights, the Nasinae and Prionurinae in which the peduncular feature is arranged as one or more fixed blades on each side, that are sharp and elongate with age.
Blochs Doktorfisch
Blochs Doktorfisch
Acanthurus blochii
Indischer OzeanWidespread Indo-Pacific. Outer reef habitats from shallow lagoons to deep slopes. Usually seen in small groups and may school in some oceanic locations. Adults are distinguished from similar species by their bluish black median fins, a caudal fin which is often deep-blue, and a yellowish spot behind the eye. Length to 45cm.