A new version of the Biolumen App which works in any modern browser can be downloaded here. Please check the “readme” file included in the download for instructions on how to install.
Drivers for the BioLumen Control Unit are available for download here. Please check the “readme” file included in the download for instructions on how to install.
The BioLumen Program Set-up File is an Excel template to create a seasonal photoperiod profile, assisting users in tracking seasonal variation without the use of Solar mode in the BioLumen App. It can be downloaded here.
Video Tutorials
BioLumen Introduction: System Overview
Tutorial 1: Units, Groups and Programs
Tutorial 2: Pairing the BioLumen Controller
Tutorial 3: Program Modes
Tutorial 4: Targeting a Program
Tutorial 5: Solar Advance - Winter max & Summer max
This tool allows you to retrieve the precise coordinates of anywhere in the world, which can then be entered into the Biolumen control interface to mimic seasonal changes in daylength at that location.