The members of the family Chaetodontidae, popularly know as butterflyfishes, coralfishes and bannerfishes. Most species of butterflyfish live in the warm tropical seas of the Indo-Pacific (about 90%) with the remainder in the Atlantic. Only a few species are found in subtropical waters, bordering onto subtemperate zones. The butterflyfish have a highly compressed body in which the back is raised , forming an elongate-oval to near circular shape in some; a small protactible mouth with brush-like teeth in the jaws; a continuous dorsal fin with strong and sharp spines in the anterior section, followed by a large-surface soft part; an anal fin mirroring the soft part of the dorsal fin , headed by 3-5 strong spines, of which the 2nd is often greatly enlarged.
Dot Dash Butterfly - Fiji
Dot Dash Butterfly - Fiji
Chaetodon pelewensis
MediumPlace of origin:
MelanesiaWest Pacific, Palau to Sydney, eastern Australia and to Central Pacific. Clear coastal to outer reef habitats. Adults pair, juveniles solitary. Identified by the spots and lines running diagonally on the body and orange caudal peduncle. Feeds on a variety of small invertebrates. Length to 10cm. Hybridises with Cahetodon punctatofasciatus.