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Inspirational Aquaria Blue LobsterPanulirius versicolor Lion - FumanchuDendrochirus biocellatus Bush Coral - OrangeScleronephthya spp. Boxfish - Male Hawaiian BlueOstracion meleagris Leopard Wrasse - BlackMacropharyngodon negrosensis Red Fairy Dwarf ParrotCirrhilabrus rubrisquamis Firefish - PurpleNemateleotris exquisita Pinkface WrasseHalichoeres ornatissimus Dot Dash Butterfly - FijiChaetodon pelewensis Yellow Tail Purple TangZebrasoma xanthurus Moon - Coral SeaGoniastrea spp. Lamark AngelGenicanthus lamarck Carpet Anemone - Hard GreenStichodactyla haddoni Banded Angel - TANK BREDParacentropyge multifasciata Yellow Tail Purple Tang - AquaculturedZebrasoma xanthurum