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AquaNor 2019
Set . 03 / 2019

The Biosystems team were proud to be exhibiting at this year’s AquaNor conference - the world’s largest aquaculture technology exhibition, held in the beautiful city of Trondheim, Norway. It was a fantastic opportunity to engage with customers old and new, and to premier our new look branding which was warmly received. The show was a great success, with firm contacts being made across 14 countries and strong interest in our renowned Biofiltration complete plug and play filtration systems, as well as our Biolumen LED lighting and controls. There is certainly a lot of movement and growth in land based RAS, with promising opportunities for the large RK2 Freshwater Protein skimmers (with models suitable for flow rates up to 450m3/hr) and Bio UV multilamp UV Sterilisers (suitable for flow rates of up to and in excess of 340m3/hr).

If you weren't able to make it - you certainly missed a good one. Please dont hesitate to drop us a line if you would like to know more about our Advanced Life Support and LED Lighting Systems on [email protected]