Startseite / News / Post / Reef Efficiency Installation of Solar Panels At Tmc
Reef Efficiency - Installation of solar panels at TMC
Aug . 30 / 2022

Energy is a valuable and needed resource in our business. With recently announced dramatic increases in energy, we find ourselves continuously brainstorming ideas to react positively to these events.

Our journey towards a sustainable industry started a few years back and, in a sense, has always been one of our core values. We are passionate ecologists and conservationists who want to share the beauty and passion for reef keeping. Our sustainable journey has multiple layers, including sustainable products, a Reefefficiency awareness campaign, fish ecology and conservation (Wild and captive bred), and various aspects of how we use and source our energy. We are delighted to share the news that we have made our first humble step into solar energy.

Although a small step in the right direction, we are impressed with the installation of what is phase 1 of our testing facility for solar panels.

The installation of phase 1 will reduce our carbon footprint by 8.15 tons of CO2 per year!