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Manual Reef Roller – review
Fev . 06 / 2020

We have tested the manual filter Reef Roller by TMC for a long time now: we waited to finish our roll, and now we’re ready to tell you our experience, its pros and cons.

The roller filter is a filter for sediments that has to be placed right below the water fall in the aquarium. So the water coming from the tank has to go through a roll of filter material that blocks impurities and suspended loads.

On the other hand the filter’s functioning is extremely simple. It promises an egregious cleaning of aquarium water, and the maintenance should be minimal, since a roll is supposed to last for three months before having to be replaced.

Assembling Reef Roller 

Assembling it is extremely easy and fast, unfortunately it’s rather bulky so you have to have the necessary space in sump, since the base, from which the water will fall, has to be above the water line, for obvious reasons.

To learn more visit 

To check all the details about Reef Roller click HERE