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Control is an important part of any lighting system. Proper control of light can improve welfare whilst also resulting in cost savings. Biosystems offer a wide range of control options to be used with various lights, from wireless control systems designed with retailers in mind (AquaBar Pro) to hardwired largescale controllers that can offer seasonal variation (Biolumen Master Control).
With the right level of control you can achieve more than you might think…


Our basic controllers will allow for an on time, off time, ramp time (this is the time taken to move from on to off), and a maximum and minimum level (minimum being the level the lights will move to in their off phase). 

More involved control options will allow different settings for different days of the week. This can be useful for control based on opening times.

Further to this we are able to offer cutting edge control that allows photoperiod setting based on a user entered geographical location and even seasonal variation of day length. This kind of control can be used for research purposes and even to create seasonal responses in animals such as keeping racehorses in peak condition, affecting seasonal breeding cycles, or simulating migration.






